Sam Jeans

Sam is an experienced writer whose expertise lies in home improvements and renewables, as well as technology, where he is especially interested in the world of machine learning and AI. He has written for Vested, Age Times, and the Royal Mint.
For the Independent Advisor, Sam writes about windows and solar panels.

Sam is an experienced writer whose expertise lies in home improvements and renewables, as well as technology, where he is especially interested in the world of machine learning and AI....

Sam Jeans, Author at DailyAI

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Sign up for our weekly newsletter and receive exclusive access to DailyAI's Latest eBook: 'Mastering AI Tools: Your 2024 Guide to Enhanced Productivity'.

*By subscribing to our newsletter you accept our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Con...

Triple Glazed Windows | FMB

Triple glazed windows are growing in popularity as homeowners look for ways to reduce their energy bills and boost their homes’ insulation performance. 

Renowned for their superior insulation properties, these windows build on the success of double glazed windows with the addition of a third pane of glass to increase efficiency, making them up to 50 per cent more energy-efficient than double glazing.

However, on average, triple glazed windows are 10–20 per cent costlier than double glazing...

409A valuations: what you need to know

We live in a globalised business world where cross-border collaboration has become the norm.

The UK and US have always had strong business relationships, so it’s no surprise that UK companies have a natural synergy with US markets and employees.

The same is true in reverse - government stats show that some 1 in 20 UK employees work for US-owned businesses. Like in the UK, the US also has a strong culture of employee ownership through option schemes and is one of a handful of countries that off...

The AI monetization conundrum rages on as OpenAI's costs rocket | DailyAI

Despite its immense popularity, OpenAI is allegedly burning through cash at an unsustainable rate and could face a staggering $5 billion loss by the end of 2024.
That’s according to a shock report from The Information, which cites unreleased internal financial statements and industry figures exposing how OpenAI has already spent roughly $7 billion on training models and as much as $1.5 billion on staffing. 
Dylan Patel from SemiAnalysis had earlier told The Information that OpenAI allegedly fork...

The evolution of bio-inspired AI: developments and future direction

From the foundations laid by Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage to Alan Turing’s groundbreaking computing research, the world has been enthralled by the promise of AI – a dream to create machine-based entities possessing human-like cognitive abilities.

However, the trajectory of AI development later turned away from its biological roots in favor of brute-force computational power and algorithmic complexity.

With that, science fiction-infused dreams of lifelike robots have somewhat dwindled into

(Dis)connected: mitigating isolation in a virtually connected world | DailyAI

Our ancestors once huddled in small, isolated communities, their faces illuminated by flickering fires.
Evidence of controlled campfires for cooking and warmth dates back some 700,000 years, but thousands of years before then, Homo erectus had started living in small social groups.
At this point, we can observe changes in the vocal tract, which indicate primitive forms of communication.
This is when early humans began to translate and share their internal states, essentially building a primitiv...

Three debates facing the AI industry: Intelligence, progress, and safety | DailyAI

That famous saying: “The more we know, the more we don’t know,” certainly rings true for AI.
The more we learn about AI, the less we seem to know for certain.
Experts and industry leaders often find themselves at bitter loggerheads about where AI is now and where it’s heading. They’re failing to agree on seemingly elemental concepts like machine intelligence, consciousness, and safety.
Will machines one day surpass the intellect of their human creators? Is AI advancement accelerating towards a...

First steps to building a remote team from scratch

Many businesses are still hesitant about going fully remote, which is understandable.

However, there’s plenty of reliable data out now that describes the ins and outs of remote working, so businesses no longer have to guess. Let’s take a quick look at what that data has to say.

Remote working is here to stay

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) revealed that three-quarters of home workers in the UK reported a better work-life balance. Improved wellbeing also happens to be the number one re

How six tech startups built impressive company cultures

What defines great company culture? It’s not an easy question to answer. Even defining ‘culture’ has puzzled philosophers and sociologists for hundreds of years.

One of the reasons why it’s so hard to define culture is because culture changes all the time. Company culture is the perfect example of that.

The Industrial Revolution was marked by brutal work conditions that businesses realised they had to eradicate. Then, the overly hierarchical office work culture of the early 1900s gave way to t

Free Quick Workplace Safety Checklist

Safety regulations apply to businesses of all sizes - even if you have fewer than five employees. Startups should take health and safety seriously from the outset, even if they’re a fully remote team of just a few people! Complying with health and safety is simple for most businesses and startups, and the law understands that most risks are proportionate to the business.

Some business activities fall under stricter health and safety rules The main law - HSWA - is needed when establishing emp

Talent acquisition tactics to grow remote teams

Remote working was pretty much unheard of until the early 2000s.

But now, UK workers are only going to the office 1.5 days a week on average, which means that most of the time, Brits are working from home. That's according to a survey by Advanced Workplace Associates.

Remote working, or at the very least hybrid working, is here to stay, and it’s working for both businesses and their employees.

Employees enjoy a better work-life balance, companies can save money on expensive leased office sp

Navigating the labyrinth of AI risks: an analysis

The narrative surrounding the risks of AI has become increasingly unipolar, with tech leaders and experts from all corners pushing for regulation. How credible is the evidence documenting AI risks?

The risks of AI appeal to the senses. There’s something deeply intuitive about fearing robots that might deceive us, overpower us, or turn us into a commodity secondary to their own existence.

Debates surrounding AI’s risks intensified after the nonprofit Center for AI Safety (CAIS) released a state

Growth shares: the flexible way to share success

Sharing ownership with your team can be a superb way to align interests, incentivise performance and build a culture of shared success.

It's a way to turn employees into partners, invested not just in their own roles but in the overall health and growth of the business.

But with so many different types of equity compensation out there, knowing exactly what equity-sharing strategy to turn to is tricky.

One option gaining traction among companies is growth shares, and they might be a great fit...

Decoding the universe with AI and machine learning

In ancient Babylonia, star-gazers meticulously chronicled the night sky, carving their observations in tablets to note the subtlest celestial movements.

Their observations, alongside other ancient civilizations, laid the foundation for luminaries like Johannes Kepler, who used Tycho Brahe’s data to unveil the elliptical orbits of planets long before we had the tools to observe such phenomena with our own eyes.

Today, humanity is no less eager to decode the intricacies of the cosmos, and AI has

AI mind-reading: medical breakthrough or step towards dystopia?

Our thoughts might be our innermost sanctum, but they’re not out-of-bounds for AI.

Mind-reading AI appears as a plot from a science fiction novel, yet it holds immense promise for people who can’t communicate due to paralysis or brain injuries.

Beyond that, AI’s access to the brain would enable us to write, create, and design with mere thoughts alone or provide others with windows into our consciousness.

For nearly a decade, electroencephalogram (EEG) technology, which captures electrical sig

AI on the battlefield: who is responsible if it goes wrong?

In a world where “war games” no longer refer solely to board games or video games but to life-and-death scenarios facilitated by machine intelligence, the question of responsibility is monumental.

Militaries are ramping up research and investment in AI.

Some analysts defined an 11-day 2021 Israel-Palestine encounter as the first “AI war,” where Israeli technologies assisted in battlefield intelligence and deployment.

In recent months, the US military established a generative AI task force and
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